Well, here it is! My first entry for Illustration Friday, and the first post that has anything at all to do with the title of the blog.
I've now added a photo of the assembled Foldem as a guide for anybody who'd like to try their hand at building the thing.
Anyway, hope somebody out there digs it.

As soon as I can, I will post a basic how-to on putting these things together.
UPDATE: Who am I kidding? I will never post a how-to. Good luck, though!
Here's another angle:

oh hey! i didn't try to build it but that is a most excellent idea and illustration! bravo!
Oh I love it - what a lot of work for IF. Please build it and photograph it
whoa this is great. I'm dying to know what the finished object is.
Add me to your dying list :) Is it a trap for cockroaches?
a refrigerator! how cool is that? this is excellent. one of my favorite this week!
Looking good, Mr.Mackinlay! Cant wait to see a photo of it all assembled.
Oh, and if you want to stop those annoying spam messages, you should turn on the word verification option. Tell him all about it, Ren ;)
Thanks for all of the nice comments, guys. I've now posted photos of the assembled foldem. Hope it lives up to your expectations.
looks pretty good assembled Campbell... not sure if I like the girl design. Nice tentacles though.... man.. That must have taken a crap load of time.. Good job.... MORE!!!!
THis is cool!! A 3D illustration!! Neat!!
Cool! Now that's an entry. Great work - wow!
Wow, I didn't know you built these from scratch. I thought they were kits... that's nuts! Jason is right, we need to see more!
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